Friday, 21 May 2010

My fingers are starting to annoy me...

So I seem to have some bad habits, habits that turn out to be hard to break. Sure there are the regular ones that people often gripe about: smoking, being overly fond of red wine, insisting that I do not need a filing system etc etc.

My newest bad habit pisses me off though. Somehow the middle finger on my left hand has become overzealous. No, it's not that, I generally flip people off with my right hand. And no, it's not that either! Get your minds out of the gutter for once.

No, I use my overzealous middle finger to type the letter "e" on the keyboard. Now what could be wrong wit that, you ask. Well, stupid finger insists on being quicker than the others and this results in words being spelled with the "e" (and sometimes other letters) in completely the wrong order, making me look like an illiterate buffoon in the process.

And that's not the worst of it. This nasty habit has been rubbing off on other fingers, and now they think it's fine to go goofing off whenever they want. Left ring finger, for instance, insists on double typing letters for the fun of it. So not only do you get random e's, you also have double a's, q's, s's and more floating around in a sentence. As a copywriter/aspiring writer this poses a bit of a problem (I just had to correct poses, for instance - imagine where that went!). I have to triple proof read my stuff before I can actually start proofreading my stuff. Soul deadening I tell you!

I was tempted to type this whole blogpost without fixing the mistakes just to make a point, but you see, I could not get it over my heart.

Now that all the world has been notified of this random piece of useless information about my life, feel free to continue with yours.

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