Thursday, 20 May 2010

Dear Universe...

So I had the most eventful morning. I woke up, hung over with stomach cramps (which I'm 90% sure is unrelated to the alcohol consumption) and decided to spend the day in bed. Then at 4:29 my phone rings, it's a colleagues wife. He needs a lift because, I kid you not, a drunk guy drove into their gate and then passed out, blocking their exit.

So I drag myself out of bed and was ready to leave by 4:45. Then I get the sms that says "don't worry, got out, take a benelyn day". But I'm already on my way to the car. So I go to work.

Halfway through Pretoria, said colleague calls again. He had a flat on the highway. I think "WTF?" this was 5 to 5. Because I live aan the gatkant of everything, I got to work after him (at 5:30), and decided to do what every miserable sad irish-person-who-was-diddled-by-daddy does, and write about it.

Thank you universe for my inspiration. I could not make this shit up if I was hopped up on smack.

I could most probably make other shit up if I was hopped up on smack, but it would be more gruesome and less funny. Speaking of being hopped up on smack, have you seen the new Olympic mascots for the 2012 Olympic Games in London. I'm sure there were a lot of illegal substances involved in this, or a Japanese guy or 2. Take a look: (Image taken from the Telegraph website...)

Apparently they had 40 focus groups involved in this project. I'm pretty sure they found the people for these focus groups at local Narcotics Anonymous meetings. Seriously WTF?


  1. Hehehe manoman I hope I never have a day like yours was today! Hope tomorrow is better and that the weekend is kickass! Love the Olympic mascots! Definitely manga on acid! LOL

  2. The lucky thing is that this has inspired the first chapter of a book that will definitely be published under a pseudonym...
