Wednesday, 15 September 2010

I think I have an addiction

Actually, I don't think I have an addiction, I know I have one. And I'm not talking about my love for coffee or my need for cigarettes. Nope. I have a book collecting addiction, and it is getting out of hand.

My bookshelves are groaning under the weight of books, and I keep on adding to the shelves. Usually two to three books a week and sometimes more. I cannot resist surrounding myself with that fresh paper smell that you get from opening a book for the first time, or the myriad of colours from the book jackets. A bookstore has a certain appeal, a siren call. It lures you in and drains your pocket, leaving you with just enough money left over for the month to eat a slice of bread every two days.

But I love it. I live with books, for books. If I had the space to dedicate a room to my books, I would. Yes, I'm nuts. But come on people - It's books!


  1. a perfectly acceptable addiction - what the problem? :)

  2. I'm already climbing over books to get to my bed. I almost broke my neck last night when I got up in the middle of the night. I see a shelf reorganisation happening soon.
